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When dealing with very large datasets it is often better to do initial data filtering, augmentation using ServiceX <>_. ServiceX transformation produces output as an Awkward Array. The array can then be used in a regular Coffea processing. Here a scheme explaining the workflow:

ServiceX and Coffea-Casa workflow schema

There are two different, UC AF deployed ServiceX instances. The only difference between them is the type of input data they are capable of processing. Uproot processes any kind of "flat" ROOT files, while xAOD processes only Rucio registered xAOD files.

To use them one has to register and get approved. Sign in will lead you to a Globus registration page, where you may choose to use account connected to your institution:

ServiceX registration

Once approved, you will be able to see status of your requests in the dashboard:

ServiceX dashboard

For your code to be able to authenticate your requests, you need to download a servicex.yaml file, that should be placed in your working directory. The file is downloaded from your profile page:

ServiceX profile

For an example analysis using ServiceX and Coffea look here.

More Examples

Columnar data analysis with DAOD_PHYSLITE here.

ServiceX analysis on ROOT files, with Coffea, and TRExFitter here.