We work at the intersection of large scale data-intensive experiments and the development and operation of advanced cyberinfrastructure they demand.
"Physicist on the ATLAS experiment at CERN for over 20 years, he joined the EFI in June 2002 building the first Tier2 cluster prototypes, and with the Computation Institute, the early grid software projects GriPhyN, iVDGL and the Open Science Grid. Principal Investigator of the SLATE project, lead of the IRIS-HEP SSLab, co-manager of USATLAS Facilities and Distributed Computing, Deputy Council Chair of the Open Science Grid."
"Ilija joined the EFI in March 2012 as a Physicist on the ATLAS experiment working on federated data access using Xrootd. He specializes in data caching networks, operational intelligence and analytics, creating machine learning platforms, reinforcement learning for intelligent data delivery systems. He built an ATLAS VR experience with Occulus Rift."
"Lincoln Bryant has been a staff member at the Enrico Fermi Institute since March 2012, working with the ATLAS Midwest Tier 2 Center, the Open Science Grid and VC3. His experience has primarily been in data center operations, batch systems, distributed storage, virtualization, containerization, automation and monitoring. Now he is mostly working on the IRIS-HEP SSLab, SLATE and advanced cyberinfrastructure powering the Lab."
"Working on the Midwest Tier2 Center since January 2015, cyberinfrastructure at the South Pole Telescope, Rucio systems for XENON. She also provides infrastructure support for the OSG Researcher Facilitation team, including OSG Connect services."
"Joined the team in April 2017 and quickly built the VC3 website as a novel science gateway. While earning a Masters degree of Computer Science at the University, he built the SLATE Console and the CI Connect family of portals (OSG Connect, CMS Connect and others yet to come)."
"Chris joined our team in April 2018. He is the lead developer of the SLATE platform and the team's cybersecurity officer. He recently re-built the CI Connect platform, re-using software and infrastructure he developed for SLATE."
"Pascal joined the team in February 2019 and began work on data infrastructure for LIGO and IceCube experiments, collaborating with UCSD. He also serves as coordinator of the OSG Collaborations area, supporting SPT-3G, XENON, KOTO, VERITAS and others."
"Marc joined the team in March 2019. He is working on the IRIS-HEP Data Organization and Management (DOMA) ServiceX project for ATLAS, and the integration of NSF HPC resources (Stampede2 and Frontera at TACC) with ATLAS distributed computing systems."
"David joined us in May 2019 and is working on the Midwest Tier2 Center, responsible for operations at the three-site federation (UChicago, Indiana, Illinois Campus Cluster). He built our new asset inventory and status monitoring sytems."
"Neha is a Third-year majoring in Computer Science at the University. She built a Kubernetes backend for VC3, our virtual clustering product. She deployed the reproducible analysis framework from CERN, REANA, on the IRIS-HEP Scalable Systems Laboratory using Kubernetes and Helm. She is working on ServiceX, an intelligent data delivery service to meet future demands of the high-luminosity LHC at CERN."
"Sushant worked in the Lab for two years while working towards his Master degreen in Computer Science at the University. He studied packet loss using PerfSONAR data indexed by Elasticsearch and analyzed with Kibana and Jupyter notebooks."
"Suchandra was pivitol in building out the Open Science Grid, establishing its first testing and validation clusters. During his tenure with the Lab, he worked on a myriad of projects including OSG Connect, VC3, XENON workflows. Suchandra now works at a finance startup in his native Hawaii."
"Bala worked in the User Support team for the Open Science Grid, teaching students, postdocs and faculty methods of distributed high-throughput computing. Bala now holds the position Senior Scientist in the Office of Advanced Research Computing at Rutgers University."
"Benedikt worked in the User Support team for the Open Science Grid focusing on mid-scale collaborations. In this role, he maintained OSG Connect software infrastructure and supported Xenon1T, VERITAS, and SPT-3G experiment. Prior to this position, he was a member of the IceCube experiment as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Alberta and graduate student at the University of Wisconsin--Madison, where he earned his Ph.D. in 2014. He returned to Madison and is now Computing Manager at IceCube Neutrino Observatory and Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center."