Getting Started
Obtain an account
To access the Snowmass21 Connect login server
request an account using the web portal. Hit the Sign Up button and follow instructions. You will authenticate via CILogon using your home institution's idenity management service. One your membership request is approved you will be notified by email.
Important steps:
- You need to upload your ssh-keys following the instructions on the portal. The process will create your home directory on the Snowmass submit node and grant you access via passwordless ssh.
- You must use an insitutional email when you sign up. Applications using personal email addresses will be rejected.
In order to submit jobs to the OSG you should also follow up - once your account request is approved - with a request to be added to a particular
(energy frontier) or snowmass21.cosmic
(cosmic frontier) as appropriate. An email back will confirm your addition to your requested subgroup project. To do that navigate to the groups section in the portal here: and select a particular subgroup to join.
Login to the Submit Node
Once you upload your ssh-keys in the Snowmass21 Connect profile and your request has been approved, it takes about 30 minutes for your unix account to be created. You can then connect via ssh
as usual:
ssh <user_id>
You can find your <user_id>
from your profile on the Snowmass21 Connect portal. The login node is also a submission node for
jobs to the OSG Open Science Pool. Upon login you will land in your home directory /home/<user_id>
. Your home
directory has 50GB of quota. Use your home directory to store job submission files, scripts and code. Do not store large files
(larger than 300 MB) in your home directory for the purpose of submission to the OSG.
If you need an interactive environment to support export of graphics back to your machine, you would need to use the -X or -Y flag in your ssh command:
ssh -X <user_id>
You would also need to make your terminal X11 compatible.
Manage your account
You can come back to the portal if you need to change your institutional affiliation, email, join another subgroup or upload additional ssh-keys to your account. Account management is controlled by an automated process which will only make ssh-keys persistent in your user account if they are uploaded through the portal.