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Software Access

You can access software from the Snomwass21 host installed in local directories or repositories in cvmfs.

Installed Software

The following packages are installed in /software:


These can run on the local host or, if the executables are static, in HTCCondor jobs submitted to the OSPool.

The following packages are installed in stash, /collab/project/snowmass21/software/:


Those are also available via cvmfs in /cvmfs/ and intended to run primarily as part HTCondor jobs to the OSPool.

Software in cvmfs repositories

You can run software installed in commonly used cvmfs repos for the High Energy Physics community. For example you can set up your environment to run Rivet with LHAPDF on the local host as:

    source /cvmfs/
    export PATH=/cvmfs/$PATH
    export LHAPDF_DATA_PATH=/cvmfs/
    /cvmfs/ <arguments>

You can also include these lines in your execution script for a job submitted to the OSPool.

Software in Singularity containers

Software stacks in singularity containers deployed in cvmfs repos can run on the Snowmass21 host or reference the location of the images in the submit script for jobs to the OSPool. We present two examples to demonstrate the two cases.

Running a Singularity container on the login host

Singularity is installed on the Snowmass21 host. Below is an example that runs a container located in cvmfs and binds a directory located in the distributed filesystem to /data:

    singularity run -B /collab/project/snowmass21/data/ilc:/data /cvmfs/\:1.0-centos8

Then source the environment setup inside the container:

    Singularity> source /opt/ilcsoft/

Running a Singularity container in the OSPool

To run a singularity container in the OSPool, you will need to specify a set of requirements and the /cvmfs location of the singularity image. Below is the same example from above but written as a job submission. Note, that if the singularity image is hosted in /cvmfs/ you only need to specify HAS_SINGULARITY == TRUE.

    Universe = Vanilla
    Executable   =
    Requirements = ( ( HAS_SINGULARITY == TRUE ) && ( HAS_CVMFS_unpacked_cern_ch ) )
    +SingularityImage = "/cvmfs/"
    Error   = output.err.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
    Output  = output.out.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
    Log     = output.log.$(Cluster)
    should_transfer_files = YES
    WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
    request_cpus = 1
    request_memory = 5 GB
    Queue 1

File is a bash-shell script that contains a list of commands to be executed on the worker node. A generic example is as follows:

    #set up the environment
    source /opt/ilcsoft/
    #create a data directory
    mkdir data
    cd data
    #download some data
    #do some work

Additional Examples

Running Delphes on the login host

For local calculations on the Snowmass21 host, Delphes is installed in /software/Delphes-3.4.2. You must first execute the following setup script: source /cvmfs/ before using the executables.

Export the installation path and adjust the LD_LIBRARY_PATH of the supporting libraries as:

export delphes_install=/software/Delphes-3.4.2
module use /software/modulefiles/
module load gcc-8.2.0
export PATH=$delphes_install:$PATH

Running Delphes with HepMC input files:

$delphes_install/DelphesHepMC $delphes_install/cards/delphes/card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root <input.hepmc>

Running Delphes with STDHEP (XDR) input files:

$delphes_install DelphesSTDHEP $delphes_install/cards/delphes/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root <input.hep>

Running Delphes with LHEF input files:

 $delphes_install/DelphesLHEF $delphes_install/cards/delphes/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root <input.lhef>

Running Delphes with files accessible via HTTP. The following example downloads a test HepMC input file and runs the executable.

curl | gunzip | $delphes_install/DelphesHepMC $delphes_install/cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl delphes_output.root

Running Delphes in the OSPool

For OSPool jobs, it recommended you use the singularity container image hosted /cvmfs/ The image contains the full installation of the software which includes the examplles folder. The following example is a submission script which will request the availability of Singularity as a requirement on the remote worker node and loads the image for your job.

Universe = Vanilla
Executable     =
Requirements = HAS_SINGULARITY == TRUE
+SingularityImage = "/cvmfs/"
Error   = output.err.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
Output  = output.out.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
Log     = output.log.$(Cluster)
should_transfer_files = YES
WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 1 GB
Queue 1

The executable script,, contains the HTTP listed above for local jobs.


curl | gunzip | DelphesHepMC /opt/Delphes-3.4.2/cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl ~/delphes_output.root

There is no need to source any external environment and all Delphes executables have been added to $PATH as part of the image.

Running Whizard on the login host

Whizard is installed alled on the Snowmass21 host in /software/ee_gen. You must set up your environment before by running the following on the submit node:

    module use /software/modulefiles/
    module load gcc-8.2.0 
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/software/ee_gen/./packages/OpenLoops/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    export PATH=/software/ee_gen/bin:$PATH

Examples are contained in this directory: /software/ee_gen/share/whizard/examples. The whizard executable will be in your $PATH. You can run an example from your home directory as:

    whizard /software/ee_gen/share/whizard/examples/LEP_cc10.sin

Running Whizard in the OSPool

Whizard is also available over cvmfs in /cvmfs/ To submit and run an HTCondor job on the OSPool ensure that your submit script has Requirements = (HAS_MODULES =?= TRUE). You must also source the setup script in /cvmfs/ which will set up your environment. An example of a job submission to the OSPool for whizard is inlined below:

Submit script:

    Universe = Vanilla
    Executable     =
    Requirements = (HAS_CVMFS =?= TRUE) && (OSGVO_OS_STRING == "RHEL 7) && (HAS_MODULES =?= TRUE) 
    Error   = output.err.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
    Output  = output.out.$(Cluster)-$(Process)
    Log     = output.log.$(Cluster)
    should_transfer_files = YES
    WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT
    request_cpus = 1
    request_memory = 1 GB
    Queue 1

Execution script ( from the submit script above):

    source /cvmfs/
    whizard /cvmfs/